Recipe with Double Enghien Brune by Nicole Darchambeau.
Serve with a Double Enghien Brune chilled between 6 and 9°C.
For the pastry
200 g grey wheat flour
100 g butter
60 g caster sugar
1 whole egg
1 pinch of salt
The filling
20 cl Double Enghien Brune
150 g muscovado sugar
3 whole eggs

/ Prepare the dough. Blend the flour, salt, butter and sugar and work it with your fingers until the mixture turns crumbly.
2 / At this stage, add the egg. Knead the pastry until it forms a homogenous mass. Form a ball shape and let it rest in the fridge for 30 minutes.
3 / Pre-heat the oven to 200°C.
Grease the baking tin and use a rolling pin to flatten the pastry.
Press the pastry into the baking tin and sculpt the edges.
4 / Prepare the filling. Whisk up the eggs with the sugar. Add the Double Enghien Brune. Whisk again and pour into the bottom of the pie.
5 / Oven bake for 30 minutes at 200°C.
Serve in the baking dish.