Recipe by Nicole DARCHAMBEAU with Scotch de Silly. It is perfect for this redheaded beer with a spicy, caramel smell and some light fruity notes. It also offers a fine woody fragrance reminiscent of hazelnut, and thus distinguishes itself from traditional British Scotch beers. The taste is fuller and has a hint of bitterness. To be served with Scotch de Silly from 6 to 9°C.
30cl of silly scotch tape
300g of cheddar cheese
100g of stilton (or other blue)
200g of grated emmenthal cheese
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 tablespoon of milk
4 ribs of white celery
2 crunchy apples
2 fairly firm pears
2 campaign chopsticks

1 / In a pan, heat the beer over low heat.
2 / Cut the cheddar and stilton into small cubes and pour into the beer. Add the grated emmenthal. Melt gently, stirring regularly with a spatula.
3 / Clean the celery ribs, cut into pieces.
Divide apples and pears into quarters, without peeling them, remove the core, cut into large cubes.
4 / Cut the bread into pieces.
5 / Dissolve the starch in the milk. Stir into the fondue. Thicken while stirring.
Pour into the fondue pot and put the stove on.
6 / Dip bread, pears, apples and celery in the fondue.