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Heavenly sabayon

for 4 persons

This recipe with La Divine is by Nicole Darchambeau. Serve with a La Divine from Silly chilled to between 7 and 10°C.


15cl La Divine
2 firm pears
3 egg yolks
4 tablespoons unrefined cane sugar


1 / Peel and quarter the pears, then core and dice them.

2 / Heat up half the beer in a saucepan and poach the pears at a high temperature without stirring. Sprinkle with a tablespoon of the cane sugar. The pears will absorb the liquid and caramelise slightly. Divide into your serving dishes.

3 / Pour the egg yolks and 3 tablespoons of cane sugar into a heatproof dish. Beat using an electric whisk, until you have created a mousse with plenty of air. Add the beer and continue to whisk.

4 / Heat this sabayon mixture in a bain-marie while continuing to whisk. The mixture will bulk up. When it is three times its original size, remove from the bain-marie and pour the sabayon over the caramelised pears. Serve immediately.