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Carré of salmon with avocado and grapefruit

for 4 persons

This recipe was created by The Foodpairing® Company in tune with the taste profile of Double Enghien Blonde. The beer has a slightly fruity and zesty aroma with floral impressions and touches of malt. It has a slightly bitter taste that carries on into the finish where it grapefruit and hop flavours transcend it. It’s a beer with plenty of body.
Serve with a Double Enghien Blonde at a temperature of between 4 and 8°C.


4 pieces of Atlantic salmon, 30g each

olive oil

coarse sea salt

coarse pepper

2 grapefruits

½ avocado, diced

½ lemon
extra virgin olive oil

2 teaspoons mayonnaise

powdered liquorice

pineapple juice


1 / Place the salmon in a dish with a dash of olive oil and bake for 45 minutes at 50°C in a pre-heated oven. De-grease the salmon and season with coarse sea salt and pepper.

2 / Season the avocado cubes with olive oil, pineapple juice, pepper and salt. Dice the grapefruit.

3 / Blend the mayonnaise with the powdered liquorice to taste.