Brasserie de Silly is very happy to present yous its new image and website. The new logo refers to the DNA of our brand : the farmer doing the harvest reminds us to the fact that intially at the birth of the brewery in 1850, it was a farm-house brewery. The words “Artisanal Belegian Beer” put the accent on the fact that we distinct ourselves by our know-how and tradition. The new website is a communication tool between us and our community. It presents the brewery, our brands and news. It is responsive, that means you can consult it also on a smartphone or tablet. What’s original is that we’ve put a new section about beerpairing. This new trend will allow you to search for recipes to combine food with our beers. In the xomming months, the site will evolve and be updated, don’t hesitate to check it on a rgular base.
New Image, new website, Brasserie de Silly presents its new face.